Get to know Pastor Keith
When were you born? July 30, 1975
When did you get married? August 17, 1996
What are differences between you and your spouse? I like talk radio and Bonnie
likes to listen to music.
What are similarities? Both love to snowmobile and Greek food!
How many children do you have? Four - Keith Jr., Bobbi Ann, Jacquelyn, & Angel.
Where was your first job? Fenton's Berry Farm.
What is your favorite food? Lasagna
What is your favorite zoo animal? The roar of a lion.
What's your ideal vacation? Snowmobiling where there is lots of snow.
What place in the world would you want to visit? Alaska
What is one thing that most people don't know about you? Bonnie and I built
our own log home.
What do you love most about your job? Interaction with people.
How do you like to spend your free time? With family & snowmobiling.
What is your favorite book, besides the Bible? DNA of Relationships by Gary Smalley and DNA of Relationships for Couples by Greg Smalley
Who is your favorite Christian author? Craig Keener
What is your favorite resource for Biblical research? Bible Hub
What is your favorite Bible passage? Depends on the day!