Frequently Asked Questions
Sometimes walking into a place for the first time can be quite stressful. You never know what kind of crazy things you could be subjecting yourself (or your family) too! The following five questions (and answers) will hopefully help alleviate your fears, or at very least prepare you for them!
What does a "typical" service look like at NDBC?​
Here is a brief description of what our Sunday AM service is like:
Our worship team prepares throughout the week to provide each of us the best opportunity on Sunday to connect with God and bring glory to His name via song. Along with vocals, this team utilizes piano, guitars, and drums. Though the majority of our worship centers around contemporary praise & worship choruses, we also incorporate some of the great gospel hymns of the past 200 years - because the thoughts and words they contain are tremendously profound.
Next we have a time of prayer thanking God for the offerings given by the people to be used according to His purpose. At this time we have a time of announcements pertaining to upcoming events or other information pertinent to the congregation.
We take the remainder of our time to open God's Word. We believe that God's Word is without error, and that it is God's primary means of communicating and teaching for us. Our study in God's Word each week lasts approx. 35 minutes, bringing the entire service time to about one hour and fifteen minutes from start to finish.
What should I wear to NDBC?
Have you ever walked into a room where you either dressed way to formal or completely underdressed for the occasion? That awkward feeling of embarrassment overtakes you. At NDBC, we don't want you to feel that way. Our "dress code" is simple - wear what you want to wear! Some who attend prefer to look their "Sunday best" - wearing a suit coat and tie or an elegant dress. They feel that they are honoring God and giving Him their best by doing that. Others come from a more "generational" perspective and prefer to come to God just as they truly are. Either way, we all take worshipping God seriously and don't judge how you look while doing it. Yet at the same time, we always look to come to God appropriately - without causing intentional distractions to those around us.
What does NDBC have to offer for my kids?
At NDBC, we place great emphasis on children and families. We offer ministries throughout the week for children of all ages. On Sunday mornings we currently offer classes for newborns through grade five. Our Nursery (0-2 yrs.) and our Toddler class (2-4 yrs.) run during the entire service. The Beginners (Pre-K & K), Primary (Grades 1-2), and Intermediate (Grades 3-6) classes start out worshipping with the adults, and then head to their respective classes just prior to pastor's message.
We are also privileged to offer a classroom for children of all ages who have special needs/requirements. Our leaders in this ministry are equipped with the tools necessary to work with children with handicaps and learning disabilities. Also, some of the children who regularly attend the other classes will volunteer their time to work and interact with those who find the special needs room more preferable.
What about middle school and high school students?​
Because we believe that teenagers are the "church of the present," we place a great emphasis on our youth ministry. We meet weekly on Monday nights from 6:00-7:300pm for "youth group" and plan special activities/events throughout the entire year. It's is a place where students’ can feel free to come and be themselves while discovering their God-given talents and abilities. Most importantly, it's a place where students are introduced to Jesus, and will begin to discover his purpose and plans for their lives!
Where are your bathrooms located at NDBC?​
This seems like a strange question, doesn't it? That is until you are walking around looking lost, but too embarrassed to ask someone! In the old building there are men's and women's bathrooms, right outside of the gym. There is also a family bathroom located in the church basement that is specifically equipped for the children attending children's church during the service. (complete with changing table). In our new facility, there are also men's and women's restrooms off the foyer. Both the Men's and Ladies bathrooms have a changing table in it as well.