Children's Ministry
At North Darien Bible Church, our Children's Ministry has been designed to work alongside you, as parents, to help each student discover and develop a relationship with Jesus Christ. We believe that children are a vital part of the church, not only in the future, but in the present as well! Below is a list of what NDBC offers for children to help them learn and grow.

AWANA Club meets every Wednesday night from 5:55 to 7:30 PM for children ages 2 to Grade 6. AWANA Club offers:
Biblical Teaching
Basics for a relationship with God
A foundation for a Biblical worldview
Ultra-fun physical activity & competition.
Bible memorization
Positive friendships
Support for parents as they spiritually nurture their children
In-club adult affirmation & encouragement
Consistent & positive training on how to thrive in group settings
Awards & recognition for their accomplishment
At NDBC, our caring leaders want to partner with you to reach the heart of your child. If you have any questions regarding this ministry, please contact the church at 585-547-9646. We will put someone in contact with you to answer your questions & to meet your needs.

Register your children using
this QR Code!
North Darien Bible Church offers the following programs on Sunday mornings for our children:
NURSERY - Available during the entire service for newborns & infants up to 2 years old.
TODDLER'S CLASS - Available during the entire service for children ages 2 to 3 years old.
BEGINNER'S - Children in Pre-K through Kindergarten are dismissed after the singing portion of the AM Worship Service.
PRIMARY - Children in Grades 1 through 2 are dismissed after the singing portion of the AM Worship Service.
INTERMEDIATE - Children in Grades 3 through 6 are dismissed after the singing portion of the AM Worship Service.
G.E.M.S. - This class is available for any children needing Special Learning Techniques. If this would be a help to your child, contact the church office at 585-547-9646 and the teacher of this class will contact you to learn more about your child's learning needs.